Residents come from all walks of life. Teachers, Nurses, CEO's, Housewives, Lawyers, Musicians, and more. Residents have identified that diverse backgrounds open the door to wonderful conversations and friendships. Contrary to what you may think, most independent living residents are quite active.
The average age of senior living residents is about between 75-84 years old. While there are plenty of couples in these communities, most independent living residents are women. The typical assisted living resident is an 87 year old woman who needs help with two or three activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing and medication management. Having healthy social relationships is a significantly higher predictor of longevity and is associated with reduced rates of depression and better cognitive health.
Senior Living communities create opportunities to engage in all types of different areas. Add to that regular, nutritious meals, access to medical care, and services and amenities that relieve the burden of home-ownership, and it's easy to see why more seniors have decided this as a great way to enjoy the good life.